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Gregory Sullivan

Gregory Sullivan

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Business Week noticed that Dell Computer exceeded analyst's forecasts for the last quarter, and wonders whether that signals a turnaround for the company or it's just an anomaly. And since Dell is under a great deal of scrutiny about its past accounting practices from the SEC and the US Attorney in New York, they might not be done figuring... Read more...
For a long time, people have thought of Google as a sort of wildy successful lemonade stand. Two young fellows and their friends giving away a white page with a little rectangle to type in what you're looking for. They actually claimed to do no evil.  Well, Google is big enough to hate now, I guess; and between their loopy explanations of... Read more...
Sony has a two tier model and pricing structure for their Playstation3 consoles. They sell their old model with the 60 gigabyte hardrive for US $499, and a modestly more powerful 80 gigabtye model for $599. According to Sony Games President David Kararaker, Sony has shipped all the 60 gigabyte consoles they are ever going to make, and once... Read more...
On Wall Street, one man's loss is often another man's gain. And for investors, if one sector of the market goes bad, you don't hide the money in the mattress, you look for another sector. Since financial companies are taking a pounding over fallout from subprime mortgage investments, everybody's heading for the exits there and pounding on... Read more...
Sharp Electronics of Japan is a fascinating success story. Founded in 1912, it derived its name from one of its first inventions, the Ever-Sharp mechanical pencil. Almost 100 years later, it's one of the leading electronic companies in the world. And now it's decided to speak Polish, too. They held an opening ceremony for their new and huge... Read more...
Electronics giant Sony  announced a new version of its Walkman today. But instead of Pet Shop Boys and Flock of Seagulls cassette mix tapes, this one plays digital media, including video. And Sony was sure to point out that the devices aren't tied to any particular media format, unlike *cough* Apple *cough* players. And to sort of drive the... Read more...
What's everybody doing at work?  According to Patricia Wallace, a Johns Hopkins University professor and author of "The Internet in the Workplace: How New Technology Is Transforming Work," we're goofing off by looking at all sorts of things on the internet. How much are we slacking? About a fifth of our working time is spent engaging in personal... Read more...
HotHardware takes its responsibility as a member of the internet tech community seriously. And when we hear of "highly critical" flaws in widely used software or hardware, we like to tell our readers about it.  But there comes a time when you read about how spammers and spoofers and phishers and hackers are taking advantage of people, and... Read more...
No, we're not referring to the former vice-president with the weather fetish. Vint Cerf is a vice-president over at Google, and if anyone can claim to have invented the internet, it's him. Working with Bob Kahn in 1973, they came up with the TCP/IP protocol that allows computers to communicate with one another and makes the net possible. Mr.... Read more...
What's a good investment nowadays? We don't give such advice here at HotHardware, but we can tell you to steer clear of offering jumbo loans on third houses right now. That's a bad investment. What's a good investment? According to Standard and Poor's Clyde Montevirgen, Intel is a five star, strong buy monster. According to market... Read more...
We like our internet, and we like it FREE. Newspaper websites have trouble even getting people to register, never mind pay, for content. Even the mighty New York Times  has recently abandoned their attempt to get people to pay for their columnists. But somebody's got to pay for the internet. Unfortunately for many internet sites, that "somebody"... Read more...
We don't know about you, but we're getting tired of headlines with "(fill in the blank) Killer" in them. It's pointless anyway, if you're talking about Apple, for instance. It's useful to remember that Apple could sell poison popsicles at the North Pole with a 400% profit margin and there's be a line for them, so let's forget about killing... Read more...
The programmer's Pandora's Box has been opened, and boy oh boy is it full of cores.  It started out small and manageable with Intel's popular Core 2 and the Athlon 64, but it's getting out of hand quickly with chips with dozens and dozens of cores on the horizon now. The problem is that all that firepower is going to go to waste because nobody... Read more...
E-mail is for the nursing home. Well, that's what anyone born when Reagan was president or later thinks. Yahoo Mail is dealing with the brave new world where the post office is a distant memory and e-mail is for "loosers" by allowing users to trade messages with mobile phone users. The new e-mail-to-phone connection is one of... Read more...
HotHardware could tell you all about the Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany. We could bring you the news from there that Sony announced a device that would let users record and store live television on their Playstation 3 game console. We could mention that programming saved in this fashion could then be transferred to a Playstation Portable... Read more...
Paramount's decision to throw all its support to the HD-DVD side in the format wars for hi-def entertainment was a bit of a surprise. The fight for supremacy between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray is likely to have a winner take all outcome, as one format or another gains the upper hand and the other goes the way of Betamax. But according to the New York... Read more...
The good news for TV broadcasters in IBM's new survey is that they still attract slightly more attention per day than the internet, by a slim 66 to 60 percent margin, among persons reporting from one to four hours per day of use. The bad news is the younger you are, the less likely you are to care about TV compared to the internet, and it's... Read more...
Grand Theft Auto has always served as the poster boy for video games that drive parents and government officials up the wall. Take-Two Interactive Software took a lot of heat for the violent and sexualized content, and made a whole lot of money selling it.  But they've had trouble coming up with a follow-up to their signature title.  It looks... Read more...
Tired of all the riff-raff you encounter on Facebook?  Wondering if you're going to be questioned  by the police about  the age of your MySpace friends? Leaving nasty comments in blogs no-one reads except people who wash their hands 150 times a day and have 11 cats? Well, maybe it's time for you to an exclusive online network like aSmallWorld,... Read more...
HotHardware has no idea if the mid-eighties Michael Jackson look of having zippers all over your clothes is going to make a comeback. We were referring to your cellular phone handset. According to Mei-Hui Tsai, president of Empia Technology, touch panels are becoming a very hot component right now, and it's leading to shortages in production... Read more...
ifo AppleStore, a website devoted to info about Apple's retail stores, (!) has an interesting analysis of the contribution of Apple's sticks and bricks stores to their bottom line. It highlights Apple's foresight in not relying solely on direct internet sales, or reseller displays in stores owned by others-- stores that may or may not be all... Read more...
Adobe Systems announced yesterday that their latest version of their ubiquitous Flash Player includes H.264 standard video support. That's the same as Blu-Ray and HD-DVD players. For those of us that like to watch video over the web on our desktop, it means we're finally going to get video that doesn't look like a series of photocopied screencaps... Read more...
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