60 Percent of the Internet Sends Traffic To Google, More Than Facebook, Netflix, and Twitter Combined

The internet is a big place. Nay, a huge place. In fact, it's difficult to wrap your mind around just how vast the global Web is, and how fast it's growing on a daily basis. There's no sign of that steam slowing down, and while Google is a relative newcomer to the Internet as we know it, it has done an exceptional job of taking over. Deepfield is reporting that Google has quietly broken an Internet record in the past few weeks.

Based on measurements of end device and user audience share, Google is now bigger than Facebook, Netflix and Twitter combined. In other words, 60% of all Internet end devices/users exchange traffic with Google servers during the course of an average day. This analysis includes computers and mobile device as well as hundreds of varieties game consoles, home media appliances, and other embedded devices.

There has really never been any doubt that Google is enormous, but this big? That's news. Here's a blurb from the report that attempts to put it all in perspective: "By far the most striking change in Google’s Internet presence has come with the deployment of thousands of Google servers in Internet providers around the world. With little press coverage or fanfare, Google has deployed (Google Global Cache) servers in the majority of US Internet providers. By comparison, we observed GGC deployments mostly in Asia, Africa and Latin America when we last did a large scale study in 2010.

As in our other research reports, we base our data on an ongoing large scale study of anonymized Internet backbone traffic across a large cross section of North America and multiple collaborating infrastructure and Internet providers (although based on a different dataset, more information about our basic methodology is available here).

Of particular note, our study leverages anonymized data from core Internet infrastructure (i.e. backbone routers) so that unlike web bug based measurements (e.g. Alexa / Comscore), the above data includes traffic from both browsers as well as all embedded devices (e.g. Apple TV, Roku, Xbox 360, mobile apps, etc.). We believe this is the largest ongoing study of its kind covering roughly 1/5 of the US consumer Internet."