Adafruit Throws Pi In Your Eye With Google Glass-Like Project For Raspberry Pi

We love a good mod around here, and this one is priceless: Using a Rasperry Pi, a pair of hacked-up video glasses, a tiny wireless keyboard, and some 3D-printed parts, you can create your own Google Glass-like spectacles that will mount on virtually any sunglasses or prescription frames.

Adafruit Raspberry Pi Google Glass

Basically, you can pull apart the video glasses and extract some key components and then fit them into some 3D-printed pieces, the designs for which are free from Thingiverse. Poof, there are your high-tech specs.

To power them--and this is the ungraceful part--you need to put together a pocket-sized Raspberry Pi system and, well, put it in your pocket. Then you connect the Rasperry Pi to the spectacles with a composite video cable, sync up the wireless keyboard, and you have yourself a computer with a custom HUD.

Adafruit Raspberry Pi Google Glass

The video glasses cost about $100, and the Raspberry Pi costs $39.95. You’ll also need a battery pack (about $24.95), and the wireless keyboard should run you $49.95. Sure, that’s not pocket change, and the specs aren’t exactly as cool as Google Glass, but the whole thing sounds like a delightful, funny, and ultimately rather useful product.

Just don’t wear them in San Francisco.