Android App Translation Available To All Devs, Google Tries To Topple Tower of Babel

The mobile market is growing rapidly and promises to expand globally for years to come, but when it comes to apps, that growth presents the problem of language. If there are billions of mobile customers in essentially every region in the world with a smartphone in their pockets, they’re going to want apps in their own languages.

Google is tackling that problem by making its App Translation Service available to all Android developers. “To help developers reach users in other languages, we launched the App Translation Service, which allows developers to purchase professional app translations through the Google Play Developer Console,” reads a blog post penned by Google Play’s Ellie Powers. “This is part of a toolbox of localization features you can (and should!) take advantage of as you distribute your app around the world through Google Play.”

Google Android App Translation Service

The service is located in the APK section of the Developer Console, where devs can add a new translation or manage existing ones, and after some back and forth with a translator (if need be) and some localization testing, devs should be ready to publish in the Google Play store.

Google says that some 1.5 million new Android phones and tablets activate every day; it would seem that this translation service will be a boon to developers and customers alike.