Android Oreo 8.1 Now Displays Wi-Fi Network Speed Before You Connect

Few things are more frustrating for mobile device users than having to log on and off Wi-Fi while searching for a network fast enough to support what your current activities. Android Oreo 8.1 can now show you Wi-Fi network speed before you even connect to a network.

Android Oreo

The new feature is rolling out now and the connection speed will show under the name of the public network. If the connection speed says “Slow”, you can make phone calls and send texts if you have Wi-Fi calling enabled. If the speed is listed as “OK”, you can read webpages, use social media, and stream music without any issues.

For networks with speed listed as “Fast” you will be able to stream video. “Very Fast” networks can stream very high-quality videos. The feature will be on by default, but if you don’t want to see that feature, you can turn the new setting off in the Settings app. You'll need to navigate to Network & Internet -->  Wi-Fi --> Wi-Fi Preferences --> Advanced --> Network rating provider --> None.