BioWare Delays Anthem’s Major Feature Updates Indefinitely To Squash Bugs

BioWare's Anthem was highly anticipated when it was first announced, but the launch didn't go as planned for the developers. The game has been plagued with bugs and issues that gamers have been unhappy about (like a recent bug which made the level one weapons in the game the most powerful weapons of all). Aside from bugs in the game, a report came out about horrible conditions in the workplace that contributed to issues with Anthem.

anthem suit

BioWare developers have published an update on Anthem that was put up on Reddit. The update is attributed to Ben, called out as the Lead Producer on the game, and Chad said to be Head of Live Services. The two specifically talked about the Act 1 90-day calendar. The two start by saying that in the ten weeks since the game launched, they have been quiet publically and "hard at work" in the background.

The duo talks about Game Update 1.1.0 that went live recently. That update brought with it a new Stronghold caleld "The Sunken Cell." The Forge can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Players can launch a new expedition from the end of an expedition menu without loading into Fort Tarsis. Contracts can now be accessed without having to pick them up. A slew of other improvements were included in the update.

Ben and Chad note that while many Act 1 features have been delivered on time, the team won't hit all the goals on the Act 1 calendar. Bug fixes, stability, and game flow have been prioritized over new features of Act 1. Some of the major features that will be delayed to focus on bugs and other issues include:

  • Mastery System
  • Guilds
  • Legendary Missions – Phase II
  • Weekly Stronghold Challenge
  • Leaderboards
  • Some Freeplay Events
  • Cataclysm

The duo notes that when there is more information to share on the delayed features above, details will be offered. They also note that they have learned a lesson on communication and recognize they have talked about things too early. From now on the team plans to talk about new features and content when the work is "closer to being done." More details on the Cataclysm even will be shared in May, and the team is working on improving the loot and progression system.

Tags:  Gaming, Bioware, anthem