Apex Legends Is Getting A New Solo Mode Feature For A Limited Time

Many Apex Legends fans have wanted a chance to ditch the other players and play by themselves for a while now, and it appears that they finally going to get that opportunity. Apex Legends has released a trailer for a limited-time event that will run during the Iron Crown Collection Event called Solos, which features solo playing. The new single-player mode is a marked change for a game that has previously only allowed gamers to play with squads of three.
Apex legends

The video shows some of the most recognizable Legends in the game including Bangalore and Bloodhound standing with squadmates who disappear. When the Legends stand-alone, the trailer says that only one player can reign supreme. The solo mode is expected to run while the Iron Crown event is underway.

However, Respawn has in the past run special modes that players had long wanted for a limited time and brought them back permanently at a later date. One mode that was added for a limited time and then returned later was when a version of the game's ranked mode was added during the Bloodhound event. Then in Season 2, the official ranked mode gamers enjoy now launched. As for when the Solos mode will launch, the Iron Crown Collection event will start on August 13 and run through August 27.

apex legends solos

Respawn has been working to improve Apex Legends, particularly to rid the game of cheaters. One interesting move it has made is to match AI-detected cheaters together in matches. Apex Legends Season 2 Battle Charge trailer landed in late June and teased significant changes for the game including the flyers and more.