Apple Releases OS X 10.10.3 With All-New Photos App And iCloud Photo Library

An update to OS X today brings with it Apple’s new Photos app, which is meant to give users better tools for accessing and sorting their photos. Photos is also more integrated with iCloud, which is good news if you’ve been meaning to get your photos off your vulnerable hard drive and into the cloud. If your 5GB of free iCloud space is already nearly tapped, however, you may soon be exploring Apple’s paid storage expansion options.

Apple is releasing Photos with its latest update to Max OS X Yosemite.
Image credit: Apple

The Photos app is free, of course. It replaces Aperture and iPhoto and is similar in design to the Photos app for iOS. But it has many more features than you’ll find on the iPhone’s version, including better tools for color correction and a cropping tool that can make a crooked photo look upright automatically.

Photos also has cool sorting features like face detection so you can quickly sort your photos by friends or family. It also has a map that shows you where photos were taken. Photos now syncs your pics with iCloud Photo Library, which is coming out of Beta. If you’re someone who has multiple Apple devices, this makes accessing photos easier – many Apple devices can connect to your iCloud Photo Library to upload or display pics.


You’ll have the Photos app when you install Mac OS X 10.10.3. Your iCloud account includes 5GB of storage free, which isn’t a problem if you routinely shift your iPhone’s photos and videos to a hard drive, but if you plan to store all your photos on iCloud Photo Library now, you may need to buy more storage.