Here Are The Best International Space Station Images Of 2022 According To NASA

iss astronauts viewing space
The crew on the International Space Station (ISS) has captured some fascinating images over the last year. From three CubeSats beginning their journey, to a decades-long eruption on Earth, the images are truly inspiring.

As the International Space Station continues its scientific journey orbiting over 200 miles above Earth's surface, its crew from around the world participated in hundreds of scientific investigations and technology demonstrations over the past year. Luckily for us here on Earth, those on ISS documented their year in images to share with all of us. NASA chose a handful of the images captured by crew members as being the "Best Space Station Science Imagery of 2022."

One of the incredible experiments that took place onboard ISS was learning how to grow plants without soil. XROOTS uses the space station's Veggie facility to test hydroponic and aeroponic techniques to grow plants rather than traditional soil. NASA and other space agencies believe these techniques could enable large-scale crop production for future space exploration.

Another experiment that focused on growing plants in space was the Veggie PONDS experiment. The investigation tested different ways crops could be grown in space, with the hope that the information can be used to support long-term crewed missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

earth obs image
Image of of Carrizozo Malpaís (Image Credit: NASA)

NASA also chose a truly remarkable photo of Carrizozo Malpais. It showed a decades-long eruption that created a long strip of basalt in the desert of New Mexico. Photos like this are gathered by crew members on ISS using handheld cameras for Crew Earth Observations. The images record how the planet changes over time and monitors events that might need an immediate disaster-level response.

Crew members onboard ISS took part in a multitude of experiments and investigations throughout 2022. There is no doubt that 2023 will bring many more opportunities for those onboard to capture many more captivating images.