Cisco Announces new "Mega-Router"

Cisco Systems announced today a new router that is designed to handle the load of current and future burdensome network traffic like Video, IPTV, and the increased demands of a growing internet population. The Cisco Aggregation Services Router 9000, or ASR 9000, has "six times more capacity and is four times faster than any other router in its class" handling up to 6.4 Terabits per second of data. To put this in perspective, Cisco claims a "single ASR 9000 could deliver high definition video streams to every household in Los Angeles simultaneously".

In addition to providing higher bandwidth the new ASR 9000 is much greener and Cisco claims it "can run 40 percent more efficiently than competing products" thus lowering its carbon footprint and saving operators money in electricity costs. Considering the market share Cisco has in this area the savings could provide quite an impact.

The ASR 9000 also promises improved High Definition video with "Detect and correct capabilities that find and fix video errors within 50 milliseconds" which is much faster than the human eye could perceive.


Analysts predictions of exponential increases in consumer bandwidth demands for IPTV, Internet Video, and Mobile Broadband position Cisco's ASR 9000 as welcome technology necessary to satisfy future needs while maintaining a smaller economic and environmental impact.
Tags:  CES, Router, Cisco, meg, Mega