Deadpool's X-Force Skin Arrives In Fortnite, Here's How To Unlock It

deadpool fortnite x force

Fortnite fans have a new version of the Deadpool skin that can be unlocked this week by completing the Deadpool Week 9 challenges. One of the challenges asks players to find Deadpool's shorts, and the other has them saluting Deadpool's pants. Once those are accomplished, players will unlock the Deadpool X-Force color variant for the skin that matches up with the other available X-Force skins.

With respect to Deadpool's shorts, they can be found on the main HQ screen without having to drop into a match. The shorts are on the armchair in the middle of Midas' room. Players can click the shorts when they see them, and the challenge is complete. The second Deadpool challenge will require players to drop into a match.

x force skins

This challenge has players finding and saluting Deadpool's pants. The challenge, as always, is finding the pants so you can do your salute and unlock the free skin. The pants are located in Sweaty Sands on the roof of the building in the eastern part of the area. The pants are flapping in the breeze attached to a flagpole. All players need to do is approach the flagpole, and a prompt to salute the pants appears. 

Once both of those challenges are complete, players unlock the Deadpool X-Force skin. Players running behind on the Deadpool challenges have time to complete them all and unlock all the goodies everyone's favorite merc has to offer. Season 2 of Fortnite Chapter 2 was originally supposed to end on April 30, however, Epic has extended Season 2 through early June. The free Deadpool X-Force skin fits right in with the Cable and Psylocke X-Force skins available in the store now.

Tags:  deadpool