Flappy Bird Developer To Launch Next Addictive Mobile Gaming Title ‘Swing Copters’

It's pretty tough to create a hit app in today's feverish ecosystem battles, but it's even tougher to have lightning strike twice. The creator of Flappy Bird, Dong Nguyen, is attempting to ensure that his sophomore entry into the mobile gaming space is just as addicting and popular as the first. After having a surefire hit on his hands, pulling it from the app store, and then putting it back, Nguyen is already aiming high for Round #2.

The dev's next title will be Swing Copters, which showcases the same 8-bit style graphical motif, and the same kind of repeat / addictive gameplay as the original. It's not exactly a follow-on game, but if you dug the first one, you'll almost certainly appreciate the next one. The goal of Swing Copters is indeed similar, with gamers tasked with flying through as many gates as possible in order to soar higher and higher.

The game is, as predicted, extremely difficult. It's set to release on the 21st for free, with a $0.99 in-app purchase available for those who'd prefer to have the ads removed. Have a look at the gameplay above, and be sure to clear your schedule. You're going to need a lot of free time to tackle this one.