Fox Loses Microsoft Sponsorship of Seth MacFarlane Special

Family Guy has been dumped by Microsoft. After deciding the content of the show "Family Guy Presents: Seth and Alex's Almost Live Comedy Show," scheduled (and heavily advertised by Fox) to air Nov. 8th, is too raunchy, Microsoft decided to drop its sponsorship of the show.

In a statement, Microsoft said:
"We initially chose to participate in the Seth and Alex variety show based on the audience composition and creative humor of Family Guy, but after reviewing an early version of the variety show it became clear that the content was not a fit with the Windows brand. We continue to have a good partnership with FOX, Seth MacFarlane and Alex Borstein and are working with them in other areas. We continue to believe in the value of brand integrations and partnerships between brands, media companies and talent."
We call it: wimping out.

Yes, Family Guy and any humor by its creator, Seth MacFarlane is definitely on the un-PC side, but still. Apparently the show is still looking for a corporate sponsor. Since stodgy old Microsoft wimped out, may we suggest cool, cultish Apple?

There was a preview posted to YouTube; take a look:

Tags:  Microsoft, Windows 7