Google Reveals Next Android Build: Ice Cream Sandwich

Ever since Honeycomb was launched for Android tablets, consumers and tech media alike have wondered what the next major build would be. Now, we know. Google announced during their I/O keynote this week that "Ice Cream Sandwich" was the next major iteration on deck, but strangely no build number was associated with it. We're guessing it'll be 4.0, but it's just speculation for now. Google also made clear that they are going to tackle the fragmentation issue, and rather than having one OS on the smartphone side and one OS on the tablet side, ICS will strive to bring the two closer together to provide one Android for all devices.

Little is know beyond that, with the feature set not being mentioned at all during the presentation. There's also no clear view of when it'll be released, but some reports have mentioned the year's end as a target. Having a single Android OS to worry over would be great for developers; just build a single app, and the OS will intelligently scale it as needed, based on the screen size of the unit.

So, excited about the next generation of Android yet? If not, that image should have your mind changed in no time flat!
Tags:  Android, Google, Software