Google Rolls Out Project Glass Website and Impressive “How it Feels” Video

Google's Glass project may seem futuristic to some but to others, it's becoming more and more real. Google now has a website dedicated to Glass that tells more about what Glass can do. On the site, you'll also find a video that gives you a few examples of what life would be like if you had Glass.

Google has designed Glass to be very simple and easy to use. For example, if you want to take a picture you simply say, "take a picture." Glass can also record what you see or share what you see in real time with friends. If you need directions or want to translate something into another language, Glass can help with that, too.

Glass appears to have some of the same technology we've seen in Google Now on Android smartphones and tablets. More specifically, Glass is designed to provide answers without you having to ask for them. On the Glass website, Google gives the example of showing flight status updates while you're in the airport terminal.

Google Glass

If you're interested in trying Glass out for yourself, Google is currently searching for individuals who want to try the product. To apply to be a Glass Explorer, use Google+ or Twitter to tell Google what you would do if you had Glass. More details about how to apply can be found on the Google Glass website. The deadline for applications is February 27. Users who are accepted will be required to purchase a Glass Explorer Edition for $1,500 and attend a pick-up experience in person in New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles.