Intel In-Vehicle Solutions Group Begins Developing Technologies For The Autonomous Car

In just a few short years, Intel's entire world has changed. The company used to rake cash in with server, desktop, and laptop chip sales. These days, desktop sales are waning and laptops are being replaced by tablets. In other words, Intel has to figure out a way to get its silicon into different and more varied products if it wants the growth curve to continue as it has.

Lately, Intel processors have been found in phones and tablets, but it's definitely not the primary player in the mobile realm. What's next? Cars. The company has unveiled In-Vehicle Solutions, which is described as a portfolio of new hardware and software products that would (in theory) bolster the growth of vehicle automation. There's no question that the automobile is the next technology battlefield, and Intel's hoping to allow suppliers and automakers to build new experiences that surpass those presently available.

Many folks have resorted to buying car mounts and just using their smartphone in the car, but Intel wants to standardize the in-car infotainment platform. It's also hoping to add drive assistance capabilities, and in the future, these brains could even be wired into self-driving cars. Presently, Intel is inside of BMW, Infiniti, and Hyundai systems, and it's said that Intel will offer up its own integrations specialists to help automakers who are looking to dip their toes in.