Just Cause 4 Confirmed By Steam Leak Prior To E3

Just Cause 4
Some users who logged into Steam recently were being encouraged to pre-order Just Cause 4, the next game in the open-world adventure series by developer Avalanche Studios and publisher Square Enix. Normally a pre-order ad would not cause anyone to bat an eyebrow. In this case, however, Steam's listing came ahead of the game's anticipated announcement at E3. In other words, Steam is the source of a very big leak, though it is not the only one to do so.

Right around the month ago, Walmart's web team in Canada posted a whole bunch of unreleased game listings with missing box art. One of the titles in the leak was Just Cause 4. So was Rage 2, and rather than be angry over the situation, developer Bethesda turned lemons into lemonade by poking fun at the listing on Twitter. Bethesda posted a picture of the Rage 2 box art, which only consisted of the games name, and made a bunch of tongue-in-cheek corrections. Have a look:

Rage 2

Fast forward to today and Steam's leak isn't especially egregious, considering that Just Cause 4 wasn't exactly a secret at this point. The pre-purchase image doesn't reveal a whole lot about the game, either—we see the protagonist, Rico Rodriquez, peering into the jungle as a storm brews overhead. Beyond that, there isn't anything to go on, and certainly no major (or even minor) story reveals that can be plucked from the image.
The game's pricing and release date are unknown as well. Even though Steam posted the pre-purchase ad front and center to some users, clicking on it proved futile. All that did for users who saw the ad was bring them to Steam's main store front page, rather than a listing for the game itself with additional details.

Square Enix is scheduled to give a presentation at E3 on Monday, June 11 at 10 AM Pacific (1 PM Eastern). That is when we expect the publisher to formally introduce Just Cause 4.