Microsoft To Add Twitch Live-Streaming To Xbox One In March Update

Given the fact that it was a promised feature, the lack of support on Xbox One has no doubt miffed a big number of its users. But, the right to complain is soon to be purged, as March 11th will be the date that will see the feature introduced. According to Microsoft, the delay might have been unfortunate, but your patience will be rewarded with a slick implementation.

For Microsoft, the March 11th release date almost had to have been hit, as that also marks the day that the highly-anticipated Titanfall drops. Now, those who are planning to pick up the game will know that they'll be able to stream to the game to tease those that don't, or simply to brag about their epic skills.

Of course, not everyone that uses actually streams themselves. So, you can expect a rich feature-set once becomes integrated, including such niceties as being notified on Xbox One when gamers you're subscribed to begin streaming. A major benefit here over the PS4 is that these notifications are platform-agnostic; if a favorite gamer begins playing a game on the PC, you'll still be notified, for example. For some, a perk even more important than that might be the fact that Xbox One live broadcasts will be archived. Obviously, not everyone can work their schedules around a stream, so this feature is going to prove imperative to some.

Microsoft's implementation might have taken a wee bit too long to arrive, but admittedly, it does seem like all of that delay has been put to great use.