Microsoft Sends Out Xbox One Invites For Windows 10 Anniversary Update Preview

Microsoft Xbox One

In Microsoft's ongoing quest to unify devices from different categories to a single platform, it's working on an update to the Xbox One that will prepare it for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. The Xbox One update isn't live yet, but Microsoft is currently sending out invites to select Preview members to sign up for the "Latest Xbox One Experience," as it's being called.

The update will eventually roll out to all Preview members, but at this early stage, Microsoft is inviting users who earned the most points by submitting feedback in the previous wave, according to a Twitter post by Xbox Preview Program Manager Emily Hanson.

If you want to see if you've been invited, go into your apps, select Xbox Preview Dashboard, go to Registration, and enroll under Preview - Latest Xbox One Experience. Keep checking if you don't see it, as Microsoft didn't say when exactly the update will show (though we suspect it will be soon).

Microsoft also hasn't said what the Windows 10 Anniversary Update will bring to the Xbox One, but it's widely speculated to include a fully functioning version of Cortana, Microsoft's virtual assistant. That's something Microsoft has been trying to bring to the Xbox One for some time now. Cortana actually made a brief appearance on a preview build for the Xbox One last year, though at the time Microsoft's Larry Hryb (Major Nelson) noted that Cortana's official Xbox One launch would take place in 2016.

The update is also likely to introduce Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps and games, background audio playback, and (fingers crossed) mouse and keyboard support. These would be the big additions—you can also expect the usual round of performance and usability tweaks.