No Expulsion Over Facebook Study Group

You may recall that Chris Avenir, a first-year chemical engineering student at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, faced expulsion after it came to light that he had created a Facebook-based chemistry study group.  The horror, the horror!

Chris Avenir's apparent exhortation to fellow Ryerson University engineering students to "input solutions" to assignment problems on the social networking site raised the ire of a professor.

On Tuesday, the 18-year-old was told that while he wouldn't be expelled he would receive a zero on the assignment section of the chemistry course, which was worth 10 percent of his final grade.

Despite that, Avenir still passed the course.

He still passed the course because he had an A before all this started.  A victory of sorts, though still something he may appeal.

Tags:  Facebook, ebook, Book, Study, XP, LSI, AC, K, Puls