No Man's Sky Devs Finally Break Silence Promising A Major Update For The Controversial Game Title

Since its release in August, Hello Games' No Man's Sky has suffered an almost ridiculous amount of controversy. From the get-go, many of those who purchased the game believed they were completely misled, which resulted in many gamers asking for refunds. From there, the situation only got worse. Sony president Shuhei Yoshida called it a PR disaster, and a UK advertising agency even began investigating whether or not the game broke the law.

No Mans Sky

Despite all this flak that Hello Games and its flagship game title have endured, the developer had been oddly quiet leading up to today. Finally, after a few months of murmurs, the team finally posted a new update to Twitter promising the game's users that a big patch is en route. Despite being major, it's not going to come packed to the gills with new features, but it will establish a base for things to come.

The entire update reads:


This week Hello Games will be releasing an update to No Man’s Sky. We’re calling it The Foundation Update, because we have added the foundations of base building, and also because this is putting in place a foundation for things to come.

Detailed patch notes will follow, and release will be soon.

Coming from five years of intense development, immediately after No Man’s Sky released the team spent six weeks updating the game with 7 patches across both platforms (the last of these was 1.09 on Sept 24th which you can read about here These fixed many of the most common or critical bugs and issues post-release.

In the nine weeks since then our small team has been hard at work on development, testing and certification for the Foundation Update. It won’t be our biggest update, but it is the start of something.

The discussion around No Man’s Sky since release has been intense and dramatic. We have been quiet, but we are listening and focusing on improving the game that our team loves and feels so passionately about.

Positive or negative feedback, you have been heard and that will truly help to make this a better game for everyone. This update will be the first small step in a longer journey. We hope you can join us.

Thank you,

Hello Games

Some might believe that this update will raise more questions than it answers, but at least there's a sign that the game hasn't been abandoned. And while the developer acknowledges that it has been quiet, it says that it's been listening and taking notes. That feels like a half-hearted sentiment, perhaps. If millions of gamers want answers, it's not polite to just ignore them, and then following up months down the road acting like it wasn't a big deal. Hopefully that sentiment was genuine and the team has been taking criticism to heart, constructively. 

Nonetheless, No Man's Sky's development looks to be in full force again, so hopefully those who faithfully kept their game will be treated to good rewards going forward.