Oh, Brett! About That Madden '09 Box Cover

Ah, the best laid plans. The cover of the Madden NFL '09 game was supposed to pay homage to the retiring Brett Favre. But then he decided to un-retire! What to do, what to do?

Well, as far as EBGames goes, PhotoShop is the answer. The box is above, but see the below of their home page, as of this morning. Yep, they PhotoShopped the image of Favre into a Jets uniform. Besides that, Electronic Arts (EA) has also said the following:

Madden NFL 09 will hit stores on Aug 12 with Brett Favre on the cover in his Green Bay Packers uniform.

We do not plan to re-issue packaging, but WILL offer a free downloadable cover in the coming days on easports.com featuring Brett Favre in a Jets uniform. Fans can print this new cover out and insert it into the case of Madden NFL 09. Fans can print this new cover out and insert it into the case of Madden NFL 09.

We’ll have a roster update available on August 11 with Brett Favre on the NY Jets. The game ships with Brett on an all-time greats team, but with the roster update that will be downloadable when product is available at retail, Brett Favre will be the starting QB for the New York Jets. The roster update is not mandatory - unless you are planning an online head to head game, or online league.
Yep, online updates will take care of it, but no re-boxing. You can imagine how much that re-tooling would cost them.

At least they don't have to worry about the PC version (none this year), right (sob).
Tags:  cover, box