Palm Pre to Launch Pre-WWDC?

We've said before that introducing the Palm Pre after WWDC would be bad for Palm, as by then the hype over the new iPhone and iPhone OS 3.0 will make excitement over the Pre announcement, ahem, rather subdued.

It now appears that rumors of a mid-May launch of the Palm Pre may be false, but there is now another date given, leaked at SprintGuys, of June 7th.

Before you say, "but that's a Sunday," yeah, it is, but Sprint has never been shy about using Sunday for launch dates. Here's what was said in the post:
For those asking about the Pre, there are 2 release windows, one is around 6/7/09 - the other I cannot say much on.
June 7th is one day before WWDC. The question is, would a 24 hour window give Palm much traction? Or would it be largely lost in the WWDC news shuffle? It's doubtful that it would work the other way, meaning Palm Pre buzz drowning out WWDC.

As far as the second release window, it's possible that's still mid-May, or it could simply be June 30th, the last day of Q2 2009, which is when Palm and Sprint promised to launch the phone.

Unfortunately, this launch seems to be as secret as say, an Apple launch. Hopefully, Palm / Sprint will open up soon.