Search Google Images By Color, Type and More

Sometimes when searching for images on the web, you have a very specific look in mind. A color, a drawing vs. photograph, only extra-large images.

With that in mind, Google's rolled out several filters on its image searches that allow users to do just that.

Need photographs of purple orchids? Got it:

How about only photos of orchids that have been used in news reports?

Or line drawings of signs that are mostly red (Go Badgers!):

You can even get just small images - for thumbnails, avatars and the like - of, say, red doors.

Keep in mind that the search still isn't perfect, as you can see with the red door search above. If an image has been tagged with "door," it might show up in the results even if there's no door in it. And there's also the classic rock band, The Doors.

Near the top of the search page, there are three drop-downs: Image sizes, type of content and colors. You can filter the images using combination of the three.
Tags:  Google, Search, filter