The Internet Is A Two-Bagger Now

The internet is a fever swamp of hackers. Rasmus Lerdorf of Yahoo is in the news with his simple solution to avoiding the most common way bad people steal your good money: Cross-site scripting vulnerablities. His simple fix: use two browsers.

The idea is to separate all the surfing where personal information may be exposed from all other Web activities. "Theoretically, the places you trust are less likely to less likely to have cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, like your large, name-brand bank," said Huger. "So the browser you use to go to those sites is safer."

And if a cross-site scripting exploit is launched by a questionable site viewed through the second browser, that browser won't store any critical information, such as bank account passwords, for the attacker to steal. Some people have taken that strategy even farther, said Huger, by splitting personal and other activities between two computers.

A standalone computer just for financial things is another possibility. Or you could just be broke and have nothing worth stealing. That works for me. Read the whole thing here.
Tags:  Internet, bag, Two, AG, now