Wikipedia publishes 2-millionth article

To be quite honest, it's Wikipedia's two millionth English article, and it happend on Sunday.

Wikipedia, the sixth most visited network of Web sites worldwide behind commercial operators Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Time Warner and eBay, is available in 250 languages. Combined, Wikipedia has published more than eight million articles.

On September 10, an article on "El Hormiguero," a popular Spanish TV show, was created by Wikipedia contributor Zzxc to become the 2 millionth article in the English Wikipedia. The article is at

Although Reuters says El Hormiguero was the 2,000,000th article, Wikipedia is not so sure. 

According to the site they are researching database records to precisely determine the 2,000,000th article.

Tags:  Wikipedia, wiki, lion, art, RT, IP, AR, K