Enlight's BareBones AMD / KT133 System

Enlight's BareBones AMD / KT133 System - Page 3

Enlight's Bare-Bones AMD / KT133 System
Mid Sized Socket A Athlon Performance

By Dave Altavilla - November 10, 2000

For a look at the "Business Performance" side of things, we have ZD's Content Creation Winstone 2000.

Benchmarks With The Enlight Bare-Bones System
Gigabyte and The T-Bird Crank it up

Surprisingly, clock for clock the GA-7ZX fell ever so slightly shy of the Soyo KT133 board's score.  However, the Soyo board, as you may have seen from our recent review, didn't make it even to the 800MHz. mark.  So here, you see what the benefits of over-clocking can bring to the party.

So, let's have a little fun here before we wrap things up.

Seeing as we were in the over-clocking mood, we decided to take some Q3 Arena scores with our 750MHz. T-Bird at 833MHz. and the Hercules Prophet II at 220MHz. core and 400MHz. memory clocks.  Needless to say, life was pretty good when you can set up 1600X1200 resolution and still play in 32 bit color.  Again, the price/performance ratio is strong here but counter-balanced by the somewhat pricey GeForce2 64MB card.  Never the less, the Prophet II 64 is not part of the Enlight Bare-Bones package, so you are free to save a few pennies in this area.


What can we say about the Enlight KT133 Bare Bones System?  After working with it for a few weeks, we can report that it's quality of construction with respect to the case is good, not to be considered high end but decent.  Ease of use with its case was also fairly good but not totally set up for comfort.

On the upside, Enlight's choice of components was excellent for the mainstream user.  The GA-7ZX from Gigabyte is a solid motherboard with excellent stability and performance.  Perhaps it falls somewhat short in the area of over-clocking but with its Easy Tune III software you still have some options.  Finally, the LiteOn CD-ROM albeit somewhat non-descript, is a top end performer in the 48X class and fairly quiet to boot.

So in the end, the Enlight Bare-Bones KT133 System is to be rated on the sum of its individual components.  We feel the total package is worthy of a Heat Meter Rating of...


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Tags:  AMD, Barebone, system, Barebones, T1, bar, STEM, NES, One, light, AR, AM, K

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