Items tagged with DIY repair

Valve deserves a lot of credit for how it went about designing and launching the Steam Deck, a handheld gaming console that's essentially a portable PC. It may resemble a Switch in form, but its DNA is entirely PC, and with it comes a refreshingly high level of DIY repair options. Leaving little to the imagination... Read more...
Apple has notoriously been against the practice of consumers servicing gadgets on their own, whether it is through their own hands or by an unauthorized third party. Further evidence of this can be seen in a message that some iPhone users are seeing in regards to their batteries. There have been reports of Apple... Read more...
There's been some criticism over a letter Nikon started sending out recently to independent repair shops in the U.S. in which the camera maker announced that "it will no longer maker repair parts available for purchase by repair facilities that have not been authorized by Nikon Inc. to perform camera repairs," a policy that goes into effect... Read more...