Items tagged with donotpay

The scales of justice are not yet ready to be weighed and measured by robot lawyers powered by artificial intelligence. Or at least human lawyers are not ready to welcome AI into the fold. Under the threat of jail time, Joshua Browder, founder and CEO of DoNotPay, has decided not to let the "world's first robot... Read more...
The same artificial intelligence (AI) tool that has been helping people cancel subscriptions, remove bogus charges, and lower their bills with little-to-no fuss is now turning its sights on fighting a speeding ticket. Pitched as the "world's first robot lawyer" by its developers, DoNotPay is headed to court, marking a... Read more...
If you've ever tried contesting a parking ticket or some other traffic citation, you might have come away from the experience thinking the system is rigged and it's futile to argue your case. That's not actually true—you just have to know how to play the game, and if you live in the U.K. or New York, there's a chatbot... Read more...