Items tagged with fallout 4 pip-boy

Fallout 4 is finally here. Channeling its best 50's era paranoia and the allure of a warm, radiation-free bomb shelter, Bethesda’s newest RPG tells us doomsday prepping and cryogenics actually work—yay! Well, that is until they malfunction and you’re thrust topside to an irradiated, post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with vile mutated everything,... Read more...
The Fallout 4 gravy train continues to chug along with the release today of an official Pip-Boy companion app for the game. Best of all, the app will work regardless of whether you dropped some serious coin for the Pip-Boy Edition of Fallout 4. The app can sync with Fallout 4 on your PC, Xbox One or PlayStation 4... Read more...