Items tagged with mafia ii

Prior to its launch, Mafia II was portrayed as a deep, character-driven drama that would take full advantage of PhysX to add depth and realism to the game. With the game out and available, we sat down to investigate how PhysX enhances Mafia II and while we were at it we reviewed the game as well... Mafia II: PhysX Tested, HotHardware Reviewed... Read more...
Prior to its launch, Mafia II was portrayed as a deep, character-driven drama that would take full advantage of PhysX to add depth and realism to the game. With the game out and available, we sat down to investigate how PhysX enhances Mafia II; our review of the game is on page three. The term APEX is also used when discussing PhysX in Mafia... Read more...
We just got word of a promo NVIDIA is running that will put a copy of Mafia II into the hands of new GeForce GTX 465, 470, and 480 owners. Here’s the full scoop straight from NVIDIA... "Starting this week across the US and EMEA, you can now get a free copy of the smash hit game Mafia II with the purchase of a... Read more...
Excited for Mafia II? Really excited? Really, really excited? Excited enough to take a little time off and join a party to celebrate the launch of Mafia II? 2K Games and NVIDIA are holding a joint Mafia II line of launch events (called "Community Events") over the next few weekends, with Chicago, Miami and New York... Read more...