Items tagged with parker solar probe

Last year, NASA's Parker Solar Probe flew through one of the most powerful coronal mass ejections (CMEs) ever recorded. The spacecraft's excursion through the CME gave scientists a new perspective on a 20-year-old theory about the interaction of CMEs with interplanetary dust, which could aid in future space weather... Read more...
The internet has been abuzz with warnings that an extremely strong solar storm could cause an 'internet apocalypse'. The author of a 2021 study, Solar Superstorms: Planning for an Internet Apocalypse, where the term 'internet apocalypse' is often pulled from, has since said she regrets using the phrase and that the... Read more...
A new study concerning data collected by NASA's Parker Solar Probe (PSP) says that understanding how and where solar wind originates will aid in predicting solar storms that could potentially have devastating effects on satellites, the electrical grid, and communication networks such as the internet. The team of... Read more...
As NASA's Parker Solar Probe passed by Venus, it was able to capture its first images of the planet's surface in visible light. Venus' surface is typically encased in thick clouds and shrouded from sight. Parker was able to utilize its Wide-Field Imager, or WISPR, to capture the entire nightside in wavelengths of the... Read more...