Items tagged with playdate

The quirky little Playdate handheld gaming console is finally getting closer to release. Panic, the company behind the eye-searing yellow device, says that it will finally be available to preorder in July. And if all goes according to schedule, the Playdate will start shipping later this year. Unfortunately, Panic... Read more...
Remember the little yellow handheld console called PlayDate? It is an adorably sized game system with a monochrome display and unique hand crank, and it is still being developed for an eventual release. While we wait, the company behind the PlayDate, Panic (the same company that published the popular Untitled Goose... Read more...
What fits in your pocket, can be cranked, and is fun to play with? Get your mind out of the gutter—the correct answer is Playdate, a new handheld gaming system from Panic, an Oregon-based software and video game company that has mostly focused on apps for macOS and iOS (it also published Firewatch, an adventure game... Read more...