Items tagged with results

Valve has posted an update to their STEAM survey results which analyzes the hardware configurations of everyone playing on their servers. There's some interesting information here including the following key points: CPU's: AMD holds 53% share with Intel being 47% GPU's: NVIDIA drivers hold 52% share with ATI being 41% AGP 8x holds 43% share... Read more...
AMD has been vigorously competing with Intel, and today Joshua Walrath over at Penstar Systems takes a look a AMDs current situation, and ponders how well they'll fare in the next 9 months. With their chips flying off the shelves, and their fab 36 line of CPUs expected to ship in early february, AMD looks to stay strong for months ahead.... Read more...
Dueling DVD  New Video2000 Results From The Majors In Graphics The Online Hardware Review Media community has a solid focus on 3D Graphics performance and technology as a whole.  This goes without saying.  Too often the Digital Video Subsystem of a particular graphics card goes untested and evaluated.  Perhaps this is because... Read more...
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