Items tagged with sexism

As much as some companies would love to ignore the issue, sexism in the workplace is a serious problem, and no company is devoid of it by default. Even Apple, one of the world's largest and richest companies, has sexism running through its veins. In an article over at Mic, a group of women and some men who worked... Read more...
In 2016, you would think we'd finally be past the point where companies throw parties involving dancing girls dressed in attire that's on the verge of stripper-wear. Apparently, someone forgot to tell Microsoft that conduct like this alienates many women in the industry - game designers, developers, PR, executives and... Read more...
Unless you have unparalleled willpower and have managed to avoid all of the Internet these past few months, you're probably well aware that sexism, feminism, and misogyny have been extremely hot topics. While these issues have long existed, it seems lately like a bubble has finally burst, and accusations are being... Read more...
I've recently beaten Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm (watch for the review, coming soon). The ending of the game has been discussed a fair bit, with the main question being whether or not Sarah Kerrigan -- the onetime Queen of Blades, absolute badass, and the focus of the campaign -- is treated poorly in the final... Read more...