Items tagged with systemd

Everyone hates the infamous Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD), but these diagnostic displays are a necessary evil to inform users what went wrong when their computer crashes. Windows has had this feature for decades, but recently it was revealed that Linux is finally getting its own Blue Screen of Death feature, and it's... Read more...
Microsoft's Windows has plenty of reason to be proud of its status as the desktop operating system of choice for personal computers, but Linux drives a massive portion of the processing that lies beneath the surface of the internet at large. Ultimately, it's to everyone's benefit if security holes are closed, so we... Read more...
A recent discovery has the Linux community buzzing, and it involves a bug in systemd, an init (initialization) system used in many modern Linux distributions to bootstrap the user space and manage all processes. Many regular Linux users might not even understand what systemd is, and that's because it just works, it... Read more...