Items tagged with TB

Let’s talk about SCSI for a moment. The disk interface which was once ubiquitous with high-end workstations and servers is now on the verge of obsolescence. With the influx of inexpensive and reliable Serial ATA hard disks and hardware SATA RAID controllers (which can provide excellent performance at a fraction of a SCSI’s price), it’s... Read more...
Fortunately launched this service on 4/2, or we might have wondered ...In less than a minute and using only text messages, customers can find the product they are looking for and complete a purchase using TextBuyIt. Simply send a text message to "AMAZON" (262966) with the name of the product, search term or a UPC or ISBN... Read more...
Just in case you shot right down to the news section this morning and missed the link at the top of the page, we wanted to pop in and let you all know that we have just posted a new article here at HotHardware in which we evaluate the features, performance, and power consumption of Western Digital's Caviar and RE.2 GreenPower 1TB hard... Read more...
We wish the current "green" trend would have happened a long time ago, and we actually hope that it results in a permanent mentality adjustment rather than fading like so many trends do. We are happy to see that companies are now expected to be somewhat environmentally-conscious. We love to see companies compete on metrics like performance... Read more...
A few months ago, we evaluated the 1-terabyte (TB) Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 SATA hard drive and found the drive to offer many positive features in addition to its massive capacity.  In this article though, we'll be looking at Seagate's new flagship enterprise-class, mass storage solution, the 1TB Barracuda ES.2.  While the Barracuda... Read more...
A few months ago, we evaluated the 1-terabyte (TB) Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 SATA hard drive. We found the drive to offer many positive features in addition to its massive capacity. In this article, we'll be looking at Seagate's flagship enterprise-class, mass storage solution, the 1TB Barracuda ES.2 SATA hard drive. While the Barracuda... Read more...
If you own a Blackberry 8820 or 8320 curve device and are spend a lot of time flying from meeting to meeting, then this tidbit is for you:“JetBlue Airways Corp. plans to be the first U.S. airline to provide free in-flight email and instant-messaging services when one of its A320 planes equipped with an onboard wireless network takes wing Tuesday.”Despite... Read more...
Modern PCs are inching closer and closer to having 10 GB/sec or more usable memory bandwidth, and we haven't really had any complaints about the steady increase until we heard that Rambus was working on technology that could enable 1 TB/sec of memory bandwidth.The applications for graphics cards and consoles are certainly interesting, but... Read more...
If you said Western Digital's new RE2-GP series of drives, then you are correct.The entire IT industry is doing their best to look as energy efficient (or green) as possible these days, and it seems that the trend hasn't left any product category untouched.  So what exactly does it take to be a 'green' hard drive?“Western Digital isn't... Read more...
  Seagate was surprisingly late to join the small, but elite club of storage manufacturers shipping one terabyte (1TB) class hard drives. Somewhat expectedly, the first out of the gate was Hitachi, who made it to market several months beforehand with a high-density five-platter 1TB hard disk design. While Hitachi’s performance, thermals,... Read more...
Just in case you're the type who like to jump right down to the news, we wanted to let you all know that we have just posted a new article here at in which we evaluate the features and performance of the Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 1TB Hard Drive.  Here’s quote from the article...“Seagate’s Barracuda 7200.11 drive has been... Read more...
Perhaps in the not-so-distant future, when Patriots Running Back, Lawrence Maroney starts acting a little daffy after running the ball one too many times "up the gut", the training and medical staff of the Pats can defer to the data collected in his helmet recorded over the last few drives up field. Sports equipment manufacturer... Read more...
As the visual quality of video games, movies, music, and other entertainment media improve, HDD manufacturers continue the endless pursuit of higher capacity in order to keep up with the demand. One such manufacturer, Fujitsu Computer Products of America, may have a leading position in the HDD market of tomorrow. In fact, Fujitsu is working... Read more...
The Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 was disclosed this morning, which the hard drive manufacturer touts as “the fastest high-capacity drive to date.” The 7200.11 is the company’s first 1TB hard disk drive, achieved with the use of only four platters (as opposed to five). Power consumption is modest at 8W idle, which they say, when taken into consideration... Read more...
Just in case you shot right down to the news section this morning and missed the link at the top of the page, we wanted to pop in and let you all know that we have just posted a new article here at HotHardware in which we evaluate the features, performance, and power consumption of Western Digital's Caviar and RE.2 GreenPower 1TB hard... Read more...
Pay attention class, there will be an exam at the end of the lesson. Presently the portable hard drives top out at 120GB and grow 40% larger every year. This means that the mighty Seagate 750GB drives of today will fit in your pocket in just under 6 years, and the TB barrier will be broken wide open in 7. That is, if the math holds. With flash... Read more...
There has been a lot of news lately on Set Top Box (STB) System-on-Chip (SoCs) and dual High Definition (HD) mode devices, you can read more here, here and here. The latest news is a dual format, HD DVD/Blu-Ray decoder chip to be manufactured at 65nm for STBs. TMicroelectronics (NYSE:... Read more...
Seagate announces a monster hard drive! "We should expect to see 1TB hard disk drive products within 6 months." In a statement to DailyTech earlier today, the company claimed: Seagate's 1TB hard drive will be our second generation 3.5-inch hard drive to feature capacity-boosting perpendicular recording technology, and it will... Read more...
Other niche cellphone marketers are saying "move along people, nothing to see here," but Mobile ESPN is folding its tent after less than a year. On the face of it, it seemed strange right away. If you're crazy enough about sports to pay attention to them all the time, you're unlikely to settle for seeing it on such a small... Read more...
Remember the BitBoys? Or should I show my age and refer to them as the graphics company founded by some former members of the 'Future Crew'? (Unreal and Second Reality were awesome BITD!)  There is news today that ATI has acquired them and plans to incorporate the team into their mobile graphics division. ATI acquires Bitboys... Read more...
Featuring two 120mm fans, a tool free design, and a few other great features, Gigabyte's Poseidon case could make it's way to your shopping list very soon. Gigabyte received excellent reviews for their 3D Aurora case which was released last year, and as Hardware Zone explains, it seems Gigabyte has produced another winner.... Read more...
Hey folks, after a long and intense battle with Windows Networking, I'm here to deliver the news. Most people wouldn't consider networking very intense, but as many of you know... it can be. Yeah I'm a geek, and I love it :) Anyway folks, here's your news. Enjoy! AOpen i915Pa-PLF Motherboard Review @ PCStats "The AOpen i915Pa-PLF motherboard... Read more...
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