Digital Entertainment News And Reviews

Netflix and YouTube, game consoles, mobile and PC gaming and streaming -- there are a multitude of platforms these days to entertain you, whether you just consume or immerse yourself as a part of the narrative. Here we'll cover the trending and biggest names in high-tech entertainment mediums.

Retro gaming made a major resurgence this past holiday season, with the release of Nintendo’s ultra-hyped NES Classic, a scaled down clone of the original Nintendo Entertainment System. Out of the box, the NES Classic has thirty preloaded game titles, though some recent hacks exposed a method for uploading more if... Read more...
Free flowing bandwidth; it's an enabler.  There was a time when no one had cable modems or DSL lines. Remember that?  Alright, fair enough, neither do we.  Regardless, having a 10Mb+ data connection to your domicile is a thing of beauty, because there's obviously so much you can do with it.  The question becomes... Read more...