Amazon Competes In Netflix's Original Content Game With John Goodman's "Alpha House" Series

The times, they are a-changin’, at least in terms of TV content. Netflix is quickly establishing itself as a strong player in the original content market, producing hits like “House of Cards”, “Orange Is The New Black”, and extending beloved but cancelled series such as “Arrested Development” and “The Killing”, and Amazon won’t be left behind.

Compared to Netflix, Amazon’s streaming video service is a bit of an also ran, but that may change as the company develops its own original programming to entice viewers. Late last year, Amazon Studios ordered up six original pilots, and at least one of them is ready to roll.

Amazon Alpha House original content

After a preview and the pilot were posted on Amazon Instant Video back in April, the first two full episodes of “Alpha House”, a political comedy starring John Goodman, are available for free streaming.

It’s not quite the binge-watching style of episodic release that Netflix espouses, but it’s a clear indication that Amazon is a player to be reckoned with in the original content game.