OnePlus 3 Launches June 14th Sans Dreaded Invite System

The OnePlus team made a lot of fans happy today. How so? Not only is OnePlus ditching its reviled invite system for its OnePlus 3 release, it's saying goodbye to the invite system forever. That's right, invites are gone forever, and so are the headaches on both sides of the equation that accompanied them.

"With the OnePlus 3, we’re officially saying goodbye to invites. It’s a big step for us as a company, our fans, and fellow tech enthusiasts," OnePlus stated in a blog post. "After sending out millions of invites over the past two years, it’s hard to not think back to the early days and how far we’ve come. We’re proud to have reached a point where we feel confident in making our new device available without invites from day one."

OnePlus Loop
Owners of the OnePlus Loop will get first dibs on the OnePlus 3

OnePlus used invites in its early days to mitigate risk and prevent itself from getting in over its head. The team was smaller back then compared to now, and as is the case with many startups, they were inexperienced.

"The demand for the OnePlus One was much higher than expected. Some got into a frenzy hunting for invites, while others have complained continuously and loudly ever since. Regardless though, the invite system allowed us to scale our operations and manage our risks to help us grow more sustainably," OnePlus added.

In other words, as much as the majority hated the invite system, it served its purpose and helped the company grow to a point where they're no longer needed. Or at least OnePlus is confident it's reached that place—the company has a history of misjudging demand and bungling product releases. Hopefully the OnePlus 3 launch goes without a hitch.

OnePlus will launch the OnePlus 3 on June 14. While the invite system is kaput, during the first two hours of the launch, the new flagship phone will only be available users in The Loop, which is OnePlus' virtual reality space.