Pogoplug Pro Adds Wi-Fi And Drops To $99

The Pogoplug has a new version. Pogoplug made its name a few years back by creating a product that would allow standard USB hard drives to be converted into NAS drives. The idea is simple: the Pogoplug has a number of USB ports, and when those are filled with USB hard drives, they're put online and able to be accessed remotely.

The Pogoplug Pro is the newest in the family. It has a similar design, but this edition is black and clear. It has four USB 2.0 ports on the rear, enabling up to four USB hard drives to be placed online. The main difference here is that this unit has integrated Wi-Fi, whereas prior editions required an Ethernet connection to your router/broadband modem. With the Pro, the Pogoplug can send information to your router over the air, so you can install it anywhere where you want your HDDs located. It definitely allows for more flexible installations.

Also, the price is lower. Rather than being $129.99 like the prior model, this unit is just $99. More functionality for less money? Sounds like a deal.

Pogoplug Unveils Latest Version of Award-Winning Product

Pogoplug Pro is Available in Best Buy Stores Today

San Francisco, CA, October 11, 2010 – Cloud Engines, Inc, today announced Pogoplug Pro, the latest version of the company's award-winning multimedia sharing device. The Pogoplug Pro delivers even more flexibility to store, access, and share personal content from anywhere on the Internet.

Pogoplug allows users to easily and securely access, share, and stream their personal content from anywhere, without uploading. Content remains safely on USB hard drives connected to the Pogoplug device in their home or office, and is available from any Internet enabled device, including apps for the iPhone, Android, iPad, BlackBerry, and Palm.

"Pogoplug is a great option for those who want to quickly and securely share personal files over the Internet," said Ross Rubin, executive director of industry analysis at The NPD Group.

The Pogoplug Pro includes all of the popular features of the second generation Pogoplug, including the ability to connect up to four USB drives and to print from any mobile device. In addition, Pogoplug Pro adds built-in wireless connectivity. Owners can place the device anywhere in their home without having to physically connect it to their router.

Pogoplug Pro is available today in Best Buy stores and online for $99 (MSRP).