Gainward's Titanium Series Lineup

The Gainward Titanium Series Lineup - Page 4

The Gainward Titanium Series Line-up
Pure Performance

By - Marco Chiappetta
January 3, 2002

Let's continue with the Vulpine OpenGL benchmarking.  Next up was have the 32-Bit results. 

OpenGL Benchmarks with Vulpine Continued...
More GL Torture


As we cranked up the quality, obviously we saw a performance drop across the board.  The GeForce 2 Ti / 500 took a much larger hit though.  As was the case in all of the other tests, all three of these card exhibited excellent performance.

OpenGL Benchmarks with Quake 3
The End is Near!

We couldn't call this a review without a series of tests using Quake 3 Arena.  As CPUs increased in clockspeed and GPUs have increased in performance and capabilities, Quake 3 has lost some of it's effectiveness as a benchmark.  My e-mail box fears the day when we post our first review without Quake 3 numbers though...I can already envision some of the flame mail... :)

In this first Quake 3 test, we set the texture and geometry sliders to maximum, enabled trilinear filtering, set the color depth to 16-Bit and ran timedemo Demo001 (v1.17).  Across the board, the Gainward cards performed great.  When 89 FPS is the "lowest" score in the group, you know you've got to turn the quality up and stress things a bit more though!

With the graphical options still set to their maximum, we upped the color depth to 32-Bit and ran the same test at the same resolutions.  Although, the GeForce 2 Ti / 500 performed well, its not in the same league as the GeForce 3 Titaniums.  The performance of the Gainward GeForce 3 Ti / 550 was simply awesome.  If you've got a capable monitor, there is no reason not to play Quake 3 at 1600x1200x32.  At a healthy 104.7FPS in this test, the Gainward Ti / 550 is easily one of the fastest boards on the market.

Overclocking and Final Words


Tags:  EU, Itanium, M Series, ium, ita, Titanium, Titan, IE, AI, AR, NIU

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