HP Pavilion dm1z Fusion Ultralight Notebook Review

Gaming Benchmarks

For our next set of tests, we moved on to some in-game benchmarking with Left 4 Dead 2, Half Life 2: Episode 2 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.

 Performance with Left 4 Dead 2, Half Life 2: Episode 2 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Gaming Performance
When testing with HL:E2, L4D2 or ET:QW, we ran a pre-recorded demo of each at a resolution of 1280x720. Since these are more entry-level game tests on highly mobile platforms, we left anti-aliasing turned off and image quality settings set from moderate to high levels where possible.

In all of these tests, it's clear who the winner is: Zacate. Yet again, AMD's Fusion has proven to be a real contender, putting the older Neo platform in the X100e to shame. Granted, this APU isn't strong enough to allow hardcore gamers to churn out high framerates on an external monitor, but it's powerful to play some of the more modern titles at lowered resolutions and IQ settings. We found this impressive in the X120e, but for a sub-$450 machine, we found this really impressive. It also shows just how weak the Atom looks in comparison; we know we keep harping on that fact, but we're hopeful about the possibility of Intel seriously overhauling their Atom line now that Fusion has delivered the first real competitive solution here in the new year.

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