Items tagged with defender

Malware and virus threats are practically commonplace, even a daily occurrence for some users these days. Unfortunately for many users in the Microsoft ecosystem, leveraging popular Office applications is a common security attack vector for many of the ne'er-do-wells of the Internet. In that regard, Microsoft's... Read more...
Not everything has to be high-tech to perform dastardly deeds these days, and the same is true of malware. However, malware can slip by conventional security solutions using some email tricks and social engineering and still infect end-users, as Microsoft reports. This Tuesday, the Microsoft Security Intelligence... Read more...
It's not common to find free software that appears to be as feature-rich and capable as the commercial competition, but where Windows Defender is concerned, it's arguably one of the best free antivirus and anti-malware solutions out there. Many have come to trust it so much, that they don't even run an additional... Read more...
Cybersecurity expert Eugene Kaspersky just channeled his inner Howard Beale to let Microsoft know he's mad as hell and isn't going to take it anymore. If that reference is too old, we can kick things up a decade to Twisted Sister, as all that's missing from his strongly worded and scathing blog post calling out... Read more...