Items tagged with social media

You can expect to see more canned content and less of the interesting stuff from the professional football teams you follow on social media. That's because the NFL, or No Fun League National Football League, has issued new rules to teams that prevent them from posting certain content such as animated GIFs, lest they... Read more...
It looks as though Facebook still has some work to do with its Trending topics feature that's supposed to promote popular and relevant news stories from around the web. That's how it works in theory, anyway. In practice, Facebook's algorithm has struggled to discern between real and fake news articles, a point that... Read more...
Fans of animated GIFs (pronounced with a soft "G," according to Steve Wilhite, inventor of the Graphics Interchange Format) have reason to rejoice. Twitter has silently bumped up the file size limit for posting GIFs to 15MB on the web, which is triple the amount of the original 5MB limit. Expect to see more animated GIFs as a result of the Read more...
As much as we sometimes complain about our Facebook feeds being cluttered with political drivel, annoying rants, and all sorts of nonsense, that's more a reflection of our friends and family than the social media service itself. As a company, Facebook has taken the idea that with great power comes great responsibility... Read more...
You wouldn't know it by the way people with smartphones tend to ignore their physical surroundings in favor of whatever is on their digital screens, but use of social media apps is down. That's according to market research firm SimilarWeb, which compared data on Android apps over a yearlong period. What the study... Read more...
Facebook is a great place for keeping in contact with long distance family and friends, posting pictures of an awesome meal, staying up to date with current events, and, if we're being totally honest, stalking ex lovers. Breaking up with a person in the social media era comes with an additional set of challenges that... Read more...
Have you heard the one about an enterprising high school student who built a clock from scratch, took it to school to show his teachers, and was subsequently arrested? Neither had we until it happened to Ahmed Mohamed, a 14-year-old freshman at MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas, who was put in handcuffs by local... Read more...
The past few weeks haven't been all peaches and cream for reddit, one of the most popular websites in the world. After management abruptly terminated Victoria Taylor, coordinator of the site's Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions and a beloved figure of the community, moderators of several subforums revolted by marking... Read more...
Usually people who enjoy such things put ketchup on eggs, but it was Heinz that had egg on its face after a QR code on one of its bottles directed a German man to a hardcore pornography website. That wasn't the company's intention, of course -- the QR code was supposed to direct visitors to a promotional website where they could design their Read more...
Facebook gave the world a heads up earlier this month that it was planning to host full-length news articles as part of a new initiative called Instant Articles, and now just over a week later, the social network is ready to make good on that promise. What that means for you (assuming you use Facebook) is a better... Read more...
On Sunday Facebook attempted once again to lend clarity to its Community Standards and policies as they apply to government requests. Specifically, Head of Global Policy Management Monika Bickert and Deputy General Counsel Chris Sonderby set out to provide "more detail and clarity on what is and is not allowed" on the... Read more...
Twitter boss Dick Costolo recently admitted that the microblogging site downright "sucks" at dealing with trolls and harassment, and give him credit, owning up to the problem is imperative if there's to be a solution. And he vowed there would be, promising to kick abusive clowns off the service "right and left." As he... Read more...
Robert Palmer nailed the social networking scene when he sang, "You might as well face it you're addicted to Likes." Okay, we might have changed the lyrics just a tad, but Facebook Page owners who deny getting excited at seeing their Likes count climb will be put to the test. In an effort to make Page Likes more... Read more...
By his own admission, there are several groups that have cause to hate on Curt Schilling, the former Red Sox picture who played on an injured and bloody ankle to beat the New York Yankees in Game 6 of the 2004 American League Champion Series. And he's fine with that. The outspoken Republican is used to a high level of... Read more...
Microsoft doesn't appear very interested in using the Nokia brand, even though it negotiated the rights for the next 10 years when acquiring the Finnish company's mobile phone division for $7.2 billion. However, we haven't seen the last of the Nokia name -- not by a long shot. Last week, reports surfaced that Nokia is... Read more...
Business-oriented social networking sites, such as LinkedIn, might have to step up their game. According to unnamed sources that spoke to the Financial Times, Facebook is working on a new website called “Facebook at Work” which will allow users to have a work profile that is separate from their personal... Read more...
iPhone users who also rely heavily on LinkedIn are getting a welcome new feature today. With the new LinkedIn Intro, an email on your iPhone will display a picture of the sender, with useful profile info only a tap away. That’s handy for sorting spam from legitimate email, but more importantly, it gives you a face to go with the name.... Read more...
The Web isn’t difficult to navigate if you bring along some common sense and a healthy dose of skepticism, but those traits are sometimes in short supply among stock traders. Lately, would-be moguls are falling victim to scammers who are trying to influence the market with social media accounts that are designed... Read more...
For a little while now, Facebook has been offering users the ability to pay to promote their own posts. In doing so, stories you post and promote are displayed more prominently in your friends' news feed. Now, Facebook is expanding this feature by offering users the ability to pay to promote their friends' posts. By... Read more...
Google's privacy practices have come under fire in the past six months; the company was fined for continuing to track Safari users after previously promising not to do so. Last fall, Microsoft launched a campaign against Google's shopping search, informing users that Google no longer displayed relevant data, but ranked results by what advertisers... Read more...
There's just something about a delicious looking meal that compels people to whip out their smartphone, snap a picture, and upload it to a social network, like Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. Your friends and family can instantly see what you're about to devour before you've taken the first bite. Such is the connected... Read more...
We don’t often call out our blog posts in the news, but we thought this topic would be great to spur some discussion. J.D. just posted a little something in our Something Social blog titled, “Google+: The Best Thing That Could Have Happened To Facebook (And Its Users)”. Some of the most common... Read more...
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