Dell Inspiron 15 7559 Review - Affordable, Upgradeable

Performance: Batman and BioShock Infinite

Batman: Arkham Origins
DirectX 11 Gaming Performance

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Batman: Arkham Origins is a prequel that follows Batman as he develops his fighting techniques and persona as the Dark Knight. The game is built on a modified version of Epic’s Unreal Engine 3. We run the benchmark with high quality settings and FXAA.

batman dell inspiron 15 7559

The Dell Inspiron 15 7559 provided a very playable framerate in Batman: Arkham Origins, even at high settings. It pulled past the HP Omen 15, thanks to newer hardware.

BioShock Infinite
DirectX 11 Gaming Performance

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Also based on Epic’s Unreal Engine 3, BioShock Infinite takes you (as former Pinkerton agent Booker DeWitt) to the mysterious, flying city of Columbia. You find yourself helping Elizabeth, who soon turns out to have unusual powers. The game is an FPS, but the storyline is as compelling as the battles and Bioshock infinite has won awards and praise for its story and art design.

bioshock dell inspiron 15 7559

The system landed just ahead of the Lenovo Y70 Touch, thanks in large part to the GeForce GTX 960M. The framerates aren’t stunning, but are very playable.

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