Tyan Tachyon G9500 Pro Review

Tyan Tachyon G9500 Pro Review - Page 3

The Tyan Tachyon G9500 Pro
A Power-packed card for the mainstream

"Burned in" by Robert Maloney
May 8, 2003


Max Payne
Does Max know about the Matrix too?
A DirectX benchmarking tool that I particularly like to use in our reviews is Remedy's Max Payne.  Using the benchmarking routine that can be found on http://www.3dcenter.de, we watched the ending of the game, while keeping an eye on the frames per second.  Finally, right at the end, we took one last reading and compared the respective cards results.

In the first set of numbers, the Tachyon G9500 only lost a total of ten frames per second from the first test to the last one with 4XAA and 8XAF enabled.  That's roughly a drop of 13% in performance when sharpening up the graphics.  Compare that to the GeForce 4 cards where the drop was nearly 50%!  There's really no excuse these days to not optimize the in-game graphics somewhat, especially when you've got a R300 or R350 under the hood.  At 1600x1200, the drop-off was more severe than at 1024x768.  We were still able to get close to 43 fps, however, with 4XAA and 8X Anisotropic Filtering enabled.  The GF4 cards were all but crippled when using such optimizations at 1600x1200.

Comanche 4 - DirectX 8.1 Performance
Shader Goodness

Our next look at DirectX benchmarking was with NovaLogic's Comanche 4 Demo. As with Max Payne, one of the benefits of this benchmark is that we get a "real-world" result.  We can see with our own eyes how the gameplay will be, and the actual average framerate is shown at the end of the demonstration.  Comanche 4 also uses DirectX8 Pixel and Vertex shaders, and is a useful tool for testing overall system performance.  This benchmark is very CPU dependant, so don't be turned off by what might look like relatively low frame rates.

Unlike the previous rounds of testing, the Tyan Tachyon G9500 did not come out on top. It was bested by both GeForce 4 cards at 1024x768. That is, until we started enabling Anti-Aliasing methods.  At the lower resolution, 2 samples of AA had no effect on the Tachyon, and our score actually went up slightly.  Even 4 samples of AA only caused us to lose 3 frames per second.  The GeForce cards, which had taken an early lead, started to fall off, especially so when 4XAA was enabled. Where we had lost 3 frames on the Tachyon G9500 Pro, the GF4 cards each lost 12 or so frames, equating to approximately a 20% drop-off.  At 1600x1200, the GF4 Ti4600 still held the lead at first, but by a much smaller margin than before.  The Tachyon G9500 Pro finished higher than the Ti4200 without optimizations, and then went on to completely steal the show once AA and Anisotropic Filtering methods were applied.

Some more gaming benchmarks,

Tags:  review, Tachyon, view, pro, IE, AC

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